A Tale of Two Englands – a Disney romance
The year is 1989. Walt Disney World Florida. From England, old and new, beautiful Olivia and musician Bru are drawn together in the most magical place on earth, their fractured lives in desperate need of peace and clarity, a healing touch they know can only be found at the Magic Kingdom. Instead, they find enchantment of a different kind, the intensity of what they discover creating a barrier they seem unable to overcome.
Torn apart by circumstances, all seems lost, the synchronistic spell broken. But the Disney magic cannot be dismissed so easily, and fate contrives a tenuous silver thread linking England old and new across the mighty Atlantic. Two further strands stretch towards Florida, creating a Disney triangle, within which everything is possible. Walt Disney World is about to enter a new decade, and era of exciting expansion, the Disney decade. Is the magic triangle strong enough to rekindle the perfection they almost created?

Mike’s love of mystery and adventure, underpinned by romance and music, have been inspired and driven by his own experiences, often fuelled by brilliant writers such as Dennis Wheatley, Daphne du Maurier, Patrick O’Brian and PG Wodehouse and more recently by the work of Damien Boyd and LJ Ross among others. The elements of romance in all its guises, atmospheric settings and intrigue with just a touch of the unknown give energy and richness to life and inspire his characters to dare, to dream and very often to sing about their emotions both happy and not so.
As well as writing novels and short stories, Mike is an accomplished pianist, singer and songwriter, creating musical drama for stage and radio. A major passion is to work with aspiring musicians and writers, encouraging others to express their thoughts and feelings in words and song.
Mike lived for a number of years in Cornwall, singing all over the county and feels privileged to have shared music with so many wonderful people, including Daphne du Maurier, who was thrilled that he was ‘singing for his supper’ in her beloved Cornwall. Mike has his own thoughts on what he seeks to achieve.
‘There is an atmosphere and mystery that you can almost touch in Cornwall. Some of you will understand what I mean I’m sure. This electricity drives and shapes events and characters in the ‘Kevrinek’ books, a similar compelling force spilling over into the wider ‘world’ into the ‘Genesis journeys’. In all my stories, this atmospheric magic has consistent properties, yet expresses itself in many different ways, common ground being songs and music, which challenge and inspire our characters throughout, whether in love or adversity.'
Mike is also a lover of all things Disney and enjoys an idyllic lifestyle in Suffolk with his soul mate and partner Janice. He readily admits that ‘Cornwall is always with me’ but mystery and romance are everywhere.